/begin rant/
I think that Apple needs to do some re-evaluating of their software release schedule/quality control. At this point I would rather wait and have them get it right then put out subpar updates and fall into the downward spiral pattern of “the rest of them”. My confidence has been shaken and I’ve been a mac fan since the beginning. I just want Apple to split off the iPod/Phone/TV etc. into its own division and to get back on track with the Mac line starting now. We need this stuff to work to make a living and this takes a higher priority in my mind than new twiddle apps on the iPhone.
I do own two iPods and an iPhone but would chuck them in a river to get Leopard working solidly with the majors like Adobe, Extensis, Epson, as well as stable networking, syncing and backups. Apple really has their hands full at this point with a large list of bugs. I really wish them well but can’t say I’m in the least bit happy as a consumer at this point. For the first time in a long time I feel sheepish when answering whether or not I’d recommend a Mac, and that hurts me deeply for some reason.
/end rant/